At first we were mainly on paths but soon diverted off into overgrown jungle and had to battle our way over boulders, through thorny bushes and over fallen down trees with the aid of a local guide. As it had just been the rainy season everything was really overgrown so at times I was just battering away trees and branches with my walking pole whilst trying to to take anyone's eye out! It was very LOST like making our way through the jungle and was fun at first but as the scratched got deeper, the slopes got muddier and the paths stonier it became more of a battle than a trek! At one point we had to negotiate a muddy slope without the aid of a rope and it was really just a case of scrabbling down penguin-like and grabbing onto loose roots and branches as we went down and just hoping that we would not fall and roll down. There would have been no easy rescue as we were in the middle of a jungle, not exactly close to a helipad! After I got down it was a case of encouraging the others down too, not for the faint hearted and not for the first time I was glad I didn't have vertigo.
As we settled down for lunch it soon became clear our group had gotten smaller. It turned out that 6 of us had gotten lost after being taken the wrong way by one of the guides. It was really bad luck and wouldn't have happened if everything hadn't been so overgrown. We felt a bit deflated as we set off again down in numbers hoping the others were ok and hadn't gone too far the wrong way. After a final descent resulting in numerous stings, scratches and falls we made it to the path that would lead us back to the coach. It was along this way that we saw the Heavenly Gateway, stunning and worth the day's effort to see it. As we headed towards the Black Dragon Pools at the end of our trek for the day my thoughts turned to the others and how they were getting on. Michael informed us that they has gone the wrong way for an hour and would therefore be two hours behind us, such bad luck and unfortunately meant they would not see the pools of the Number One Waterfall in Beijing
After a shower and change of clothes we headed out to meet the others off the bus and gave them well deserved hugs, they looked completely drained. We all had dinner together then had a brief for the next day and it was decided that whatever happened we would all stick together, it was to become a theme for the week.
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