I'm starting to get a bit freaked about actually trekking now so much so that I am now walking into work to get my training at least started. I guess planning trips and touristy things are slightly more interesting than actually walking! Must start putting in the hours now though or else I'll be lagging behind.
Today I full intended running home from work but didn't bank on feeling quite so unwell from some simple jags I got this morning! My appointment to discuss immunisations with the nurse led to two dead arms and a paler than pale face all day! At least they are underway though and not as many as I thought. Today I got Hep A and Typhoid combo (sounds like something in KFC) and first shot of three for Rabies. Next week I go back for Polio,Tetanus and Diptheria booster and then second Rabies shot then in 2 weeks final Rabies shot. I think I'll be done then! Technically Rabies was not essential but I thought better safe than sorry considering how deadly it is. It's a bit odd knowing that I have exposed myself to it on purpose but better that it happens in a surgery rather than rural China! The immune system is a fascinating thing.
Tomorrow I am looking forward to getting my training back on track, I have left my gear at work in anticipation!
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